Auresso is a coffee bean Malaysia supplier. Wide range of pour over coffee beans available. Auresso is a trusted roasted coffee bean Malaysia seller since 2012. We Ship Worldwide!
Coffee Bean Malaysia – Pour Over coffee beans
Finca Los Pinos is owned since 2008 by Mr Jorge Antonio Arboleda This farm is located at 2,011m.a.s.l in the village of San Carlos in the municipality of Urrao Antioquia. It has 8 hectares of which 4 are of coffee plantation of caturra chriroso called like that because the leaves looks crisp the plantation has shade made by banana trees, plantain trees and assorted fruit trees.
Filter Roast or Light Roasted Coffee, perfect for pour over and other manual brewing
The roast profile plays an important role on how your coffee tastes. Basically, light roast indicates the color of the roast, which can be light, medium and dark.
Light roasts have a light brown, tan, color and lack of oil on the roasted beans. They have the highest acidity and are the brightest of the three roast levels.
The characteristics of different origins are most pronounced in light roasts. Much of the taste comes from the original coffee, which is why we often use light roasts for coffee cuppings.
Beans Details
Country: Colombia
Farm: Huila, Villa Betulia, Luis Anibal
Processing: Honey
Varietal: Pink Typica
Altitude: 1500 – 1600m
Taste Note
Cherry, Bergamot, Honey, Syrupy
Brewing Guide
V60: 16g coffee, total brew weight at 255g. At a ratio of 1:16
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Auresso is a trusted roasted coffee bean Malaysia seller since 2012. We have a variety of options for coffee beans Malaysia.
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